Kardinali katolik Blase Cupich i Dioqezës së Çikagos kryesoi marshimin që u zhvillua me thirrjet paqe në këtë qytet të prekur nga dhuna e bandave dhe rrjeteve kriminale që ka marrë jetë të shumta.
Marshim për Paqe në Çikago

Cardinal Blase Cupich of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago prays as names of homicide victims are read during a prayer walk through Chicago's Englewood neighborhood on the city's South Side, April 14, 2017.

Family members of those who died in shootings are consoled by rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson (left) and Chicago Archdiocese Cardinal Blase Cupich (right) as they read from a long list of homicide victims killed since the first of the year. The march w