A look at the best news photos from around the world.
16 prill, 2015

Dancers of the Joburg Ballet and the Liaoning Ballet of China company take part in a final dress rehearsal in Johannesburg, South Africa ahead of a two week run of performances of "Swan Lake" which gets under way at the Joburg Theater on April 18.

A Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30MKV fighter jet of the Venezuelan Air Force flies over a Venezuelan flag tied to missile launchers, during the "Escudo Soberano 2015" (Sovereign Shield 2015) military exercise in San Carlos del Meta in the state of Apure, April 15, 2015.

Baby clouded leopards, born early in March 2015 are presented by zoo keepers at the Olmense Zoo in Olmen, Belgium. The clouded leopard is an endangered species with only some 10,000 specimens remaining on Earth, said Robby Van der Velden, a biologist at the zoo.

A fan of the royal family wears a union flag-themed blazer outside the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's hospital in London. Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is due to give birth to her second child at the hospital some time in the next two weeks.