Kuvendi Kombëtar i Demokratëve, që u zhvillua për katër ditë në Filadelfia, emëroi zyrtarisht zonjën Hillary Clinton si kandidaten e Partisë Demokrate për zgjedhjet presidenciale të nëntorit.
Kuvendi Kombëtar i Demokratëve

President Barack Obama laid out a forceful case for Democrat Hillary Clinton's election at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 27, 2016. (A. Shaker/VOA)

A Hillary Clinton supporter stands next to a Bernie Sanders supporter at the Democratic National Convention, July 26, 2016.

President Bill Clinton brough delegates to their feet with an impassioned appeal on behalf of his wife on the second night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 26, 2016 (A. Shaker/VOA)

A Bernie Sanders supporter holds a modified Hillary Clinton campaign sign at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia July 25, 2016 (A. Shaker/VOA)